That Buzz in Your Head

Maristella Bertram
2 min readMar 20, 2023

Could that buzz in your head be clutter chatter?

Cheap Thoughts and Stuff

Making that noise disappear requires a commitment to living a simpler life with fewer (higher quality) things instead of hoarding cheap, unnecessary stuff.

Refrain from fooling yourself into thinking that you save money when you find something at a low cost and buy more than you need. You spend money when you buy stuff, not when you get rid of it.

When you buy cheap stuff by volume and refuse to discard or donate what you don’t need, you continually waste money and reject better possibilities in your life.

We All Know This Person

Here’s an example. Consider someone who finds no money to have some home repairs done but has bought all gadgets sold by infomercials between midnight and 5 am for the past year.

This person now has every possible iteration of cat litter boxes, 18 different lines of weight loss products and programs (because nothing works), seven different mops, laptop gadgets, several high-end electronic toys, four Roomba vacuum cleaners, and three other systems of oil diffusers, to name a few.

If added on a whole year, the amount spent on all those things could be enough to tackle significant repairs or upgrades in the home and buy the top-quality items in every category they genuinely need.

Yet, they continually spend their money on useless things (on sale), continue living in a house that is falling apart due to lack of maintenance, and continue hoarding cheap, low-quality versions of items they might or might not need. Does that make sense?

And remember that the more you have, the more you need to keep up with, more to clean, more to store, more effort to find what you are looking for, and so on.

Ah, let’s remember the cost of storage. You pay for every square inch of your home, which should be living space, not storage space. And what is the monthly fee for a storage unit? Do not even go there! Why do this to yourself and your family?

Turn Those Feelings Around

It seems very hard for people to let go of useless things accumulated in this manner. They might need to shift their emotions around stuff and money if they wish to break this spending cycle and upgrade the quality of their life.

Shifting how they feel about money and themselves would be a fundamental change if they aspire to live a simpler, stylish life that makes them proud.

Please understand that an elevated lifestyle has less to do with your financial situation or the size of your home. Instead, it is about your mindset, priorities, how deserving you feel to receive the best of life, and where you direct your attention to and your intention from now on.



Maristella Bertram

Maristella Bertram, MBA, CPO, owner of My Space Reclaimed, LLC, is a Board-Certified Professional Organizer, Redesigner and Stager.